Going au Naturel?
Information About Wool Carpets
People interested in green living or unfortunately dealing with chemical sensitivities have revitalized the residential and commercial use of wool carpets. Since wool comes from sheep, it’s obviously a natural product. Plus, it has demonstrated its durability over thousands of years of animal and human use and continues to be applied for manufacturing homemade rugs and clothing in many parts of the world. Preferred Carpet Care is very experienced in cleaning wool rugs and carpets for our Redding customers, so here are some tips on how to care for your wool carpet.
Vacuuming Made Easier
Wool is naturally dirt-resistant. As a result, dirt is easily removed from wool if you vacuum regularly. Wool carpets thus stay ultra-clean and are a great choice for allergy sufferers. The type of vacuum you should use will depend upon the design of your carpet and its manufacturing. Therefore, be sure to consult with the manufacturer to determine the best vacuum cleaner for cleaning your investment in home décor. Stronger is not always better in this forum, and even the types of bristles used by the machine can have an effect on your carpet’s longevity.
Stains Prevented
Sheep live in the elements and a water-resistant coat makes their life much easier. Their coat is wool, so it naturally resists water and other liquids. As a result, wool carpets and rugs are automatically spot resistant. When your carpets suffer a spill, blot them immediately with a clean towel to eliminate most of the stain. For even better results, Preferred Carpet Care can apply wool-safe protectants that make your carpet ultra-stainproof.
Regular Professional Cleaning
The one downside to wool carpets is that they are usually more expensive than their synthetic counterparts. This makes regular carpet cleaning even more important! Professional cleaning every year preserves the carpet and improves its durability. Preferred Carpet Care thus protects your investment in natural living by taking good care of all wool carpets and rugs. Call us today in Redding at 530-243-8400 or request a visit online to maintain the beauty of your wool floor coverings!
- Posted by Rod Barth
- On July 13, 2017