Understanding a Carpet Myth
There are plenty of tales out there that were eventually proven inaccurate. For example, in carpet cleaning a common myth is that you “need to avoid cleaning new carpet.” Some say that once you clean your carpeting, it only gets dirty faster from then on. Is that a myth, or reality?
The Truth About the Carpet Cleaning Myth
Initially, there may have been some truth to this tale. Before steam extraction methods were available, carpet owners did shampoo their carpets, but without an effective method of removing the resulting mix of dirt, cleanser and water. That meant that some of the moisture and the solvents stayed within the carpet, because there was no way to effectively remove the shampoo and dirt. Much of the residue could be vacuumed up after the carpet had time to dry. But even after rinsing attempts, a significant amount of residue stayed behind – not just the dirt and grime, but the shampoo as well. Soon after, more dirt collected with the residue left in the carpet, making the dirt in the carpet even more pronounced than before the cleaning. Old technology started this myth.
That was then and the tech is different today. Preferred Carpet Care in Redding uses effective hot water extraction equipment that applies cleaning solvents at high pressure, and then removes the solvents and all they collect with powerful suction. Compared to older systems, very little moisture is left behind. Even so, Preferred Carpet Care uses robust fans to move the room air thoroughly and evaporate remaining moisture for an effective finish.
The result is a fresh, clean carpet with all dirt, grime, and cleaning materials removed. Professional carpet cleaning every six months ensures that dust, dirt, allergens, and other particles do not accumulate in your carpet to the point where they are detectable. The “re-soiling” of myth from detergent residue or moisture is not a concern when you let Preferred Carpet Care in Redding take care of your carpets.
Of course, you might hear a carpet salesman still tell you not to clean your new carpet because it will only make it dirtier. Perhaps they’re hoping you’ll ruin your carpet and purchase even more. Armed with this better understanding, however, you have no need to follow that inaccurate advice. In fact, most carpet manufacturers recommend having your new carpet cleaned every 6 months as part of the manufacturer warranty.
Ask the Experts About Carpet Cleaning Claims
Of course, this old carpet myth might make you curious about other things you’ve heard pertaining to carpet cleaning and maintenance. Preferred Carpet Care is happy to set the record straight. Give us a call or schedule an appointment online. Examine our website and read the informational articles. We’ll tell you the honest truth about keeping your carpet clean and looking its best for as long as you have it.
- Posted by Rod Barth
- On November 18, 2021