Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite
This little rhyme said to children as they head off to bed has been around for ages, but bedbugs have sadly been around even longer. Ancient Egyptians used to utter “magic” words to ward off infestations of the insect, but like our rhyme, they never worked. These little pests are resilient and travel well, making a bedbug attack likely wherever there might be a food source — people or animals.
Since these tiny insects consume blood, they tend to nest in beds as they wait for a person to lie still so they can feed. And it’s not just beds they attack! They also launch their predatory forays from couches and cushioned chairs. If a body is likely to be nearby, the bed bug likes the location just fine. Granted, they also attack animals and birds, but a human who regularly sleep and sit in the same place offers a convenient meal. Needless to say, it’s important to get rid of any bedbugs in your home, and Preferred Carpet Care is happy to help you do so. But how do you know if your home is housing bedbugs?
Bedbug Signs
Bedbugs attach to luggage, clothes, bedding, or other items to find new feeding grounds. They are flat, broad, oval insects roughly a quarter inch long as an adult. Because of their small size, they’re easy to miss. Nevertheless, their presence can be identified by certain signs. Here are the most common ones.
Skin blotches – Bedbugs bite into your skin as you sleep, leaving behind red spots that tend to itch. If you notice small red spots on exposed skin when you wake up, try not to scratch them. Take a picture of the spots and discuss them with your doctor to find out if the source is indeed bedbugs.
Small blood stains on your sheets – as they feed, their bodies swell with blood. When they are finished feeding, they become inactive. An inactive sleeper might turn over or reposition themselves, squashing the engorged bedbugs in the process. This typically leaves little stains of blood on the sheets.
Musty odor – bedbugs produce a pheromone that has a strong, moldy smell. The more bedbugs that are present, the stronger the smell.
Rust-colored smudges – like humans, bedbugs need to get rid of what’s left after they feed. They often leave behind rust-colored stains of fecal residue, which also emit an unpleasant odor.
Unusual deposits – an infestation also leaves behind molted skins, pale white eggshells, or dead bugs. Since they are small, they are easily missed if the infestation is minor. The larger the infestation, the easier it is to notice their residues.
Removing the Insect Invaders
These little insectoid vampires know how to hide. Their size makes it easy for them to avoid exposure, even if they are detected by the above-mentioned signs. Removing clutter from your bedroom or other areas where you frequently lounge or sleep removes hiding areas. Frequently wash all your bedding and pillows in warm or hot water, and vacuum beds, couches or any other furniture where you find possible signs. Seal cracks in baseboards, flooring and walls to further eliminate hiding places.
By far, the best solution is to let professional experts deal with the situation. Preferred Carpet Care has abundant training, skill and experience with resolving bedbug infestations. Even so, bedbugs are often one of the most difficult pests to eradicate. Be prepared: it might take more than one treatment to ensure your safety from these insects. If you suspect a possible infestation in your home, don’t rely on nursery rhymes or ancient spells. Give Preferred Carpet Care a call or fill out our convenient online form. Let us keep you safe from the bite of bedbugs!
- Posted by Rod Barth
- On April 15, 2021