Don’t Cut the Carpet Cleaning
Especially due to things like COVID-19 and both social and political unrest, the year 2020 has metaphorically been reviewed with one star, with the subtitle “would not recommend”. Repeated cutbacks and restrictions have caused many people to reorganize – or even rebuild – their life. The typical festivities designed around the holidays at the end of the year are looking to be severely reduced if held at all.
At Preferred Carpet Care, we understand the issues. We’re affected by them, too. But we want to encourage everyone to make sure they take care of themselves safely, securely, and successfully. One way to do that is by keeping your home clean and tidy, and that includes your carpet.
Coronavirus and Carpets
Please keep in mind that the primary method of transmission for the coronavirus is from person to person, typically by droplets from coughing, sneezing, or talking. A dirty carpet is not going to increase COVID-19 transmissions. However, it is still a dirty carpet. It can still assist in aggravating allergies, distracting your immune system, or spreading other illnesses like the common cold or flu.
If you do get the opportunity to host a festivity or two during the winter, it might be a little more lively than normal – even with a reduced number of attendees. Let’s face it: all the restrictions, social unrest and uncertainty in the last year will likely result in people needing to let off a bit more steam. That means it’s important to prepare for such an outcome.
Keep Yourself and Others Safe
Regardless of how your winter celebrations take place, continue taking the same precautions you do every year. That means a thorough carpet cleaning, as well as an application of carpet protection. With carpet protection, things like stains, wear and tear, allergens, and other contaminants cannot affect your carpet nearly as much, nor can they use its pile to hide, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
Regular vacuuming is also important. Dust, allergens, and other contaminants accumulate between vacuum sessions. If you only rely on carpet cleaning from Preferred Carpet Care every six months or so, your carpet will get increasingly dingy and dangerous during that interim. A regular weekly vacuum session is a smaller cleaning that keeps the dirt and other particles from growing to an unhealthy, unsightly level. That way, your professional carpet cleaning focuses on the stubborn stuff.
We’re Glad to Help
Regardless of who stays home and for how long, we all benefit from a clean environment. Granted, there are not a lot of links between COVID-19 and carpet cleaning, but there are many strong links between clean carpets and healthy living. If you haven’t already scheduled your semi-annual carpet cleaning with Preferred Carpet Care in Redding, feel free to do so by phone or here on our website. No matter the circumstances, carpet cleaning will always be a benefit to your home.
- Posted by Rod Barth
- On December 10, 2020