Daycare centers get a real workout when it comes to dirt and food crumbs ending up in the carpet. Keeping a daycare carpet clean is a big task and we can help.
Nothing helps you recuperate, rejuvenate, or relax quite like your mattress. We spend over a quarter of our days sleeping, bringing energy and wellbeing back to our bodies. Where we sleep has a powerful effect on how we sleep, so using a good mattress has a profound impact on our health and lifestyle. Memory foam […]
Once again, California is enduring tremendous wildfires. Redding stands at the upper end of the Sacramento Valley with three wildfires burning from three directions, and each is only an hour away. With smoke pluming on all fronts, Redding has unhealthy air quality, no matter what direction the wind blows. So much smoke in the air […]
COVID cases are down in California, with at least 3 different vaccines widely available. Restrictions are lowering while temperatures are warming up. A single word appears to be resonating in the minds of Redding citizens: freedom. And yet, a simple gaze upon our living room, den or kitchen might remind us of the past year […]
The early years of a human life are typically when we’re the most vulnerable. To make sure children get the best support for their developing health and sleeping habits, it’s a great idea to consider their sleeping arrangements. Most parents use a crib to keep their infant protected and secure. In line with this, it’s […]
This little rhyme said to children as they head off to bed has been around for ages, but bedbugs have sadly been around even longer. Ancient Egyptians used to utter “magic” words to ward off infestations of the insect, but like our rhyme, they never worked. These little pests are resilient and travel well, making […]
Ah yes, it’s that wonderful time of the year when we all look around at the clutter and disarray invading our home and run out of excuses for why we can’t get to it. Of course, the COVID pandemic has caused an increase in our stay at home time, as well as a decrease in […]
Safety and cleanliness have taken a much larger role in everyone’s lives. Keeping six feet apart and keeping a mask with you could be relatively easy to build into a habit, but what about when we’re at home? Do we clean our house with the same determination? Our homes are a place of rest – […]
Ah, yes, it’s that time of year again. What’s more, the famous groundhog known as “Punxsutawney Phil” didn’t see his shadow on February 2nd. According to the tradition, that means an early arrival for birds chirping, abundant sunlight, warm temperatures and green vegetation. So many trees, flowers and other plants blossom with life in Redding! […]