Appreciate your Carpet!
We trample on it to get to work. We tread on it when coming home. We let our kids and pets wrestle on it, and sometimes spill things on it. We rush over it to get to the doctor, or the store, or the mall for Black Friday. Because of the busy days we live, it’s increasingly rare that the average homeowner takes the time to appreciate their carpet. Even when we fulfill our routine of vacuuming our floors, it’s often merely a chore, with little thought about the reason for the chore in the first place.
And yet despite this possible apathy, our carpet persists in its duties of making our home complete, filtering particles from the air and softening our stomps. Well, it’s time to give a little attention to the unsung hero under our noses – and our feet. Let’s discuss four reasons we can appreciate our carpet.
Beautifies Your Home
When we pick our carpet, or the previous occupants did, a lot of features came into play. For instance, choices were made on the length of the fibers, the pattern of the pile, and even the color and how it would compliment the rest of the home. These options offer so many combinations to enhance the beauty of our home. Adding to that the opportunities to accessorize with the colors and patterns or area rugs, and it’s clear how beautiful your home becomes with the help of your carpet.
Adds to Coziness
When the cold of winter bites the Redding area, don’t you just want to curl up in front of the couch on your hardwood floor? Of course not. Why? Because hard floors are freezing, almost as much as outside. Even if you have a pleasant fire roaring in the fireplace, that hardwood floor is simply lacking the cozy factor. Now, curl up in front of the fire on a plush span of carpet (especially with a blanket and significant other), and you simply don’t want to leave. You’re comfy, you’re cozy, you’re warm. Carpet retains warm air longer than any other type of flooring – even heated marble floors.
Keeps Thing Quiet
Soft or loud, high or low, all sound bounces off tile, linoleum, and hardwood, reverberating against the walls and often creating an echo. But carpet stops that echo in its tracks, absorbing the sound so it doesn’t continue to bounce around the room. When you think about it, a quieter home without all that bouncing noise adds to the cozy factor as well.
Improves Your Family’s Health
The biggest air filter in your home is your carpet. As dust and allergen particles drift downward, they get captured by the fibers of your carpet, keeping them in place until you vacuum them up. If you walk around with dirty shoes, socks or feet, your carpet captures much of that residue as well. Other flooring doesn’t trap those particles, so they waft back up into your breathing zone with the slightest movement of air. Not only that, but carpets require less chemicals to keep them clean.
Show Your Appreciation
The best way to show how much you appreciate your carpet is with a semi-annual carpet cleaning from Preferred Carpet Care. With our decades of experience, top-notch equipment and up-to-date skills, we remove any residual particles, clean any stains, and restore your carpet so it looks like new. Give us a call to schedule an appointment or use our form here on our website. Your carpet will appreciate it!
- Posted by Rod Barth
- On February 6, 2020