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July is National Carpet Cleaning Month

July National Carpet Cleaning Month

Summer has reached Northern California. What’s more, with the success of vaccination against COVID-19, many pandemic restrictions are lifted, and people are leaving location limitations behind. And yet, if you are out and about celebrating the vast world you haven’t experienced for over a year, you can also celebrate something else.

July is National Carpet Cleaning Month! Many homes and businesses take advantage of the summer months to get their carpets spruced up and sanitized. After all, most authorities in the field recommend getting your carpets professionally cleaned every six months or so, and you’ve been cooped up in your home for more than twice that.

Celebrate Remotely

So, how do you celebrate National Carpet Cleaning month? One of the best ways is to contact Preferred Carpet Care and get your carpets professionally cleaned. But does that mean you have to forego getting out and about, and stay home for the sake of your carpet? No, not necessarily. Preferred Carpet Care has decades of experience, skill and training to make sure we clean your carpets thoroughly and carefully regardless of your presence in the home. For instance, many businesses opt to let us clean their carpets after hours or overnight. When they arrive the next day, they enjoy the vibrance brought back to their businesses with fresh, clean carpets.
It’s still important to prepare for our visit though. Make sure to relocate as many of your rugs, tables, chairs, and other furnishings as you can. We want to clean as much of your carpet as possible so that no dust, debris, or allergens have a place to hide. Doing so will also increase the longevity of your carpet and allow us to compare high traffic areas with the rest of your carpet, in case further attention is necessary.

Cleaning your Biggest Filter

To make sure you air conditioner is working at its best during the summer months, you no doubt check its filter to make sure there is no buildup of residue to block the air from getting cold. Similarly, your carpet is the largest filter in your home. It holds on to any particles brought in from outside, and even the ones that might be produced inside the home. Vacuuming regularly helps, of course, but your vacuum simply isn’t designed to get everything up. The powerful equipment wielded by Preferred Carpet Care is designed to bring up the deepest debris lodged within your carpet pile. We remove everything that has accumulated in your carpet despite your best efforts, bringing your carpets back to the fresh, clean, fluffy state you desire. Now, that’s something to celebrate!

The available slots for professional carpet cleaning during National Carpet Cleaning Month fill up fast, every year. If you haven’t already, use the convenient form on our website or give our office a call to schedule an appointment for your celebration.

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