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‘Tis the Season… Or Is It?


When is the best time of the year to have your carpets cleaned? Many people respond ‘in the Spring’! However, many professional cleaners recommend carpet be cleaned twice per year or every six months. So the question remains, during which seasons is it best to clean your carpet? The answer might not be the same for everyone.

Factors to Consider

There are a number of things to consider when deciding the best times to have your carpet cleaned. For instance, when is dirt tracked in the most, or when is dust wafted in from outside? When during the year do you spend the most time indoors? Do you bring your work home with you, like from a dusty construction site? Are you surrounded by agricultural farming, or live next to a smoky biker bar?

Unfortunately, deciding to clean your carpet only once it looks dirty simply isn’t enough. Once your carpet looks dirty, significant damage is already taking place under the surface. Therefore, having a scheduled time for professional carpet cleaning will ensure the dirt and grime doesn’t get the chance to cause expensive problems.

What About in Redding?

If you are not sure about what time of the year is best, many people living in the Redding area prefer to have their carpet professionally cleaned once in the late spring and again in early autumn. There is some logic to that schedule: clean up after everything is tracked in from the winter and spring rains, just before summer activities. Also, many people want their homes looking spotless just before they get an influx of holiday visitors.

However, such a schedule allows for longer time periods for dirt and grime to accumulate – from early autumn to late spring (early October to late May). During that 8 month window, more and more family and visitors are walking through your home tracking in mud, rain and leaves on their shoes and clothes. This impacts not only the health of your carpet, but the indoor air quality of your home as you and your loved ones are breathing in the pollutants filling up your carpet fibers.

Think Outside the Box

Instead of scheduling professional carpet cleaning when you think everyone else expects you to, think outside the box. Schedule professional cleaning after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. This way, dirt and grime won’t sit and fester for extended periods, causing damage to your carpet fibers. Granted, some dirt might come in from spring rains, but it won’t be packed on to the winter onslaught. Next, try scheduling your second cleaning just before your summer activities. If leaving on vacation, this means your carpet will be fresh and clean when you return. Or if your household stays home in the summer, your busy summer activities won’t add an additional layer of dirt to one that is accumulated in the spring.

Ultimately, the professional carpet cleaning schedule you choose is completely up to you and the needs of your household. Give some thought to the activities of your household to help make a balanced decision. Still need some help in weighing the pros and cons of a particular cleaning schedule? Give our expert team a call. Our job is help you and your household look good and be healthy year round!

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