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Carpet Pet Odor Decontamination

Pet Odor DecontaminationLet’s face it – there are lots of odors that need deodorizing from our carpets: smoke, mildew, mold, musty scents, but the worst are those created by our four-legged friends. Best case scenario, it’s just a dog or cat smell. Worst case scenario, it’s contaminants from what they leave behind when the outdoors or a litter box just wasn’t what they decided to use. With help from Preferred Carpet Care of Redding, you can make it right by eliminating the extremely unwelcome odors that come with animal disasters.

To put it simply, feces and urine wreak chemical havoc on your carpet fibers. Handling this problem requires returning the carpet material to its original state, and that often requires more than just a washing. With our trained expertise, we know the exact substances to use on the fibers in your carpet.

So for relief from the scent of pet odors in your carpet, contact Preferred Carpet Care today!

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