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National Carpet Cleaning Month…?

National Carpet Cleaning Month

It’s not just holidays anymore. We live in a time when the days, weeks and months of the year are assigned to celebrate or increase awareness on a wide variety of subjects. It’s nearly endless. Take the month of July, for instance. According to websites like Holiday Insights, National Today, and National Day Calendar, the month of July alone includes International Chicken Wing Day, I Forgot Day, Cow Appreciation Day, National Tequila Day, Cheer Up the Lonely Day, and International Cherry Pit Spitting Day.

Sometimes it’s more than just one day, but a week or even a full month. Again, using July as an example, there are listings for Capture the Sunset Week, National Ice Cream Month, National Cell Phone Courtesy Month, and the Dog Days of Summer. Though it’s not listed on the above-mentioned websites, there are companies in Alabama, Illinois, Utah, and other states acknowledging July as National Carpet Cleaning Month. Why should California be left behind?

In truth, July is a common month for home and business owners to request professional carpet cleaning, so appointment slots fill up quickly. Remember that your carpet is the largest filter in your home or office, and any filter needs to be cleaned regularly if it’s going to do its job right. Even when trapped in your carpet, allergens and bacteria can still affect your health, so it’s important to remove them once they’re captured.

Regular vacuuming does wonders to keep the population down. However, much like visiting your dentist twice a year along with regular tooth brushing, you need that deep, professional cleaning to get the stuff your regular vacuum routine can’t. Preferred Carpet Care uses specialized equipment, maintains top-quality skills, and years of experience to give your carpets a thorough, successful cleaning so you and your loved ones aren’t affected by accumulating pollutants.

No matter what events or subjects you celebrate, Preferred Carpet Care understands that the month of July is a busy one. It is for us too. But we’d be happy to schedule a professional carpet cleaning with you ahead of time, and even reschedule if things get too busy. Please give us a call or fill out our online form. Once we finish cleaning your carpets in July, you’ll have something more to celebrate!

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