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Myth #1: Carpet vs. Hard Wood Floors for Allergies

Myth 1 - Carpet and Allergies

5 Common Carpet Cleaning Myths: The Series

We happily live in the Information Age. Unfortunately, it also means we live in the misinformation age. Many of us fall victim to advice that might be innocent or even well-meaning, but it ends up being incorrect. The same has occasionally happened in the Carpet Cleaning industry. There are plenty of ideas on how to get the most out of your carpet, and not all of them are accurate. In the following series of blog posts, we’ll discuss 5 of the most popular myths about carpet cleaning and care.

Myth #1: “Carpets are worse than hard floors when it comes to allergies.”

Some allergists claim that carpets hold onto the allergen particles, keeping them around to irritate allergies. They advocate tearing out your investment in carpeting and replacing it with hardwood floors for the sake of your health. However, the same allergens are still tracked onto hard floors and get wafted into the air, right into your breathing zone, because there’s no carpet to hold it down. Carpets act like filters, catching these allergens until – this is the main point, here – you remove them with your vacuum. Regular vacuuming is vitally important to debunking this myth, regardless of floor type.

Now, hard floors will collect those allergens into places that even your vacuum cannot reach, like behind furniture or under bookcases. Even so, vacuuming hard floors throws those particles back up into the air as you try to vacuum them. On the contrary, with a professional cleaning from Preferred Carpet Care, the allergens trapped in your carpet will be removed thoroughly, no matter how packed in they are.

What about mold and mildew? There might be a concern for carpets being more susceptible than hard floors – but again, only if they are cleaned infrequently. Mold and mildew need moisture, warm temperature, and a food source to grow. More than that, they need time. Regular cleaning will keep them at bay. And no, the mold or mildew cannot use the carpet itself as a type of food source. Nearly all carpets today are made from synthetic materials, and even if they are not, they have special treatments to resist decay. It’s possible that a few cookie crumbs or something tracked in from outside might get stuck in your carpet, but it won’t stay there if you vacuum on a regular schedule.

Ready to schedule your next maintenance cleaning? Contact our friendly team today by calling 530-243-8400 or contacting us online.

Meanwhile, stay tuned for our next myth about deodorizer and your carpet.

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