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Health and Safety Concerns

Health and Safety

Due to recent news events, personal sanitation and cleanliness are taking a higher position in people’s minds, whether on the coast or further inland. Residents in Redding also want to make sure they are healthy and safe. Constant updates on the coronavirus situation helps to educate people on how the virus spreads and what people can do if they suspect infection.

Prevention is a high priority, causing many individuals to disinfect their bodies, apparel, and homes regularly. Since carpets are the largest filters in the home, many people want their carpets as sanitized as they can be – that means professional cleaning. Preferred Carpet Care is more than happy to help you keep your home safe and clean. What’s more, there are some essential tips and pointers that will benefit everyone during this current issue.

Don’t Panic

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified the coronavirus, COVID-19, as a pandemic. That’s a scary word, causing anxiety in many individuals. Not only that, but the global abundance of information sources allows rumor and misinformation to increase that anxiety into panic. As a result, many people are stocking up on supplies like face masks, gloves, bottled water, and toilet paper. Hand sanitizer is so rarely on the shelves that many stores are selling out on components to make home-made hand sanitizers.

However, organizations like WHO and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are keeping their websites constantly up to date with the latest factual information on the virus, how it spreads, and what you can do to prevent it. Believe it or not, hoarding toilet paper will not prevent you from being infected.

Clean Yourself

Make sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water to remove possible contact with the coronavirus. Our hands constantly touch “transferrable” surfaces – holding areas where viruses and bacteria can wait to get a ride from someone else. You might be able to wipe off some surfaces, but it might not be practical to do so if you go to work or the store. Frequently washing your hands is a great way to prevent possible infection. Also, make sure to wash clothes, bedsheets, and other personal items.

Clean Surfaces

COVID-19 spreads through droplets of infected fluids when someone coughs or exhales. It also can spread when an infected person rubs their eyes or nose with their hands and then touches things like counters, armrests, phones, or doorknobs. It’s important to sanitize any surfaces that people touch frequently.

Does that include carpets? After all, you probably don’t go around touching your carpet with your hands and fingers, and you likely don’t wipe your nose with your bare feet. Nevertheless, droplets from a cough or a sneeze could land on your carpet. Walking around with clean socks instead of bare feet creates a barrier to prevent this possible contact. Even so, there’s no telling where those little droplets might land. Sanitation through a professional carpet cleaning is the best way to make sure organic debris in your carpet does not assist in spreading any infections.

How Preferred Can Help

Preferred Carpet Care uses high-end equipment, intense pressure and temperature, and years of training and experience to make a deep and thorough cleaning of your carpet and other surfaces. Our methods remove microscopic particles that could bring harm or increase susceptibility to infection while restoring a fresh, clean state to your carpet.

If you have any questions or concerns about COVID-19, please check websites like WHO and the CDC for the latest news, frequently asked questions, myth busters, or further contact information. And when you’re ready to have your carpet free of any possible infection, give Preferred Carpet Care a call or ask for a reply here on our website. We’re happy to work within your schedule to get your carpets cleaned as soon as possible.

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