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Common Slipups in Carpet Cleaning

Common Slipup

Earlier, we covered three rules of thumb to help avoid common mistakes in choosing a professional carpet cleaning service. This time, we’d like to discuss a similar subject a little closer to home: common mistakes made in everyday life when it comes to carpet cleaning. Some of these might seem like common sense, or perhaps a little profound, but they happen nevertheless. So, let’s discuss what these oversights are, and what can be done to avoid them.

  1. Not cleaning your carpet on a regular basis. We all get busy. Sometimes it’s easy to keep saying ‘next week’ to vacuuming until the neglect starts to show and smell. By that point, only a professional cleaning will get it under control, but you’ll still need to clean regularly to maintain your professionally-cleaned carpets. If you cannot vacuum every other day, try once a week. Sometimes delegating it as a chore to your kids or spouse can get it done more often. However, don’t assume vacuuming is so simple that everyone knows how to do it instinctively. Our recent post on how to vacuum shows a proper way to get the job done.
  2. Failing to clean spills and spots in a timely fashion. Just like regular cleaning, it’s easy to put the spill off until the guests leave, or you get back home since you’re rushing out the door, or simply when you feel like it. But don’t wait too long – the longer it stays, the deeper it gets. In fact, deep stains often become more visible if not treated properly before a steam cleaning, with rented or professional equipment. Carefully scrape up any debris, and then gently soak up any excess liquid. If you are unsure what cleaning solution is best for the spill, use clean water to dilute the spill and blot it up with a towel.
  3. Trying to solve the issue in the wrong way. Although this might sound a little counter-intuitive, rubbing or scrubbing the carpet makes the issue worse – it only pushes the spill deeper and grinds any soiling agents into the carpet. However, blotting the area with a clean towel does help. Adding pressure by standing on the towel helps with absorption instead of pushing the spill deeper. Also make certain to use a white, clean, cotton or paper towel. If you use a colored towel or rag, you run the risk of the color bleeding and transferring to your carpet, adding an even tougher stain to the problem.
  4. Forgetting about deep cleaning. The equipment you have at home simply cannot do as good a job as the commercial equipment that professional carpet cleaners have access to. It’s important to get the deep stuff out so it doesn’t fester, causing damage to your carpet or frequent issues to your health. Professional carpet cleaners are specially trained to identify, treat and remove various spills and stains. Preferred Carpet Care in Redding not only has that training, but experience in applying it.

No matter who we are or where we live, spills and stains happen. Getting them taken care of sooner instead of later will help your carpet stay in great shape for years to come. If you would like further information on how to address certain stains or spills, please give us a call.

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